Licensure Compact Exploration

Interstate Compacts for Dietitians kickoff meeting from the Council of State Governments:

Update from AND:

The Academy continues the process of assessing and developing recommendations for a potential new interstate professional licensure compact for registered dietitian nutritionists. Providing nutrition care services in multiple states, either in person or through telehealth, requires RDNs to become licensed according to each state’s requirements, which can be time-consuming and costly. A potential solution to facilitate cost-effective interstate practice for licensed registered dietitian nutritionists is a licensure compact.

The Academy was selected through a competitive grant process for Department of Defense funding to work with the Council of State Governments’ National Center for Interstate Compacts on an interstate licensure compact for the nutrition and dietetics profession. The mobility of licensed RDNs — particularly RDNs who are spouses of military personnel — would help alleviate barriers to practice after relocating to a new state.

Academy members and all practitioners will be engaged throughout the 12-month exploration process. This process includes several different stages, including the development of the compact's framework, drafting of compact language, stakeholder review and ultimately the introduction of a bill with support from states.

Practitioners with questions about individual practice are encouraged to participate in the Academy's Weekly Licensure Office Hours, Wednesdays from 1 to 2 p.m. (Central time).

Academy members interested in advocacy on licensure initiatives are encouraged to join the Licensure Affinity Group meetings, held the third Friday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. (Central time). Available exclusively to Academy members, the affinity groups are a forum-based event where staff, policy leaders and members discuss Academy advocacy priorities and strategies, share their experiences and determine how they can become involved in advocating.


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